Monday, 11 September 2017

The Adventures of Destructor Pony

If you've been following Eggsy since his abandonment as a foal you may remember the fence wrecking incident last year well it would seem that he's been at it again!

Not fences this time but feed buckets and not just his own

his friend's bucket has also received the "hoofing" treatment consequently biting the dust

along with some of the water containers used to carry water to the field.

If Eggsy was a child he'd have had his pocket money stopped for weeks. 

It's a good job he's so cute! 

About Eggsy:

Eggsy is a rescue pony he was abandoned and left to starve by his owners as a foal. His care is funded by donations.

Would you like to help Eggsy? 

Eggsy has a GoFundMe campaign to help raise funds for his care, we'd be really grateful if you'd go take a look, share it far and wide via your social media and of course if you can spare some money please donate.

Help Raise Abandoned Foal Eggsy ~ GoFundMe

Thank you, Eggsy and I really appreciate it x