Sunday, 15 October 2017

October update

Golly half way through October and no blog posts that's because Nurse Moreland suggested a table top sale which led to :

Eggsy Brooches


Eggsy Art

with hopefully more to follow then we can have a sort of online table top sale for Eggsy Pony!

About Eggsy:

Eggsy is a rescue pony he was abandoned and left to starve by his owners as a foal. His care is funded by donations.

Would you like to help Eggsy? 

Eggsy has a GoFundMe campaign to help raise funds for his care, we'd be really grateful if you'd go take a look, share it far and wide via your social media and of course if you can spare some money please donate.

Help Raise Abandoned Foal Eggsy ~ GoFundMe

Thank you, Eggsy and I really appreciate it x