Friday, 13 September 2019

Emma Louise Ornsby Portrait of Eggsy Pony now on Redbubble and other news

Twitter friend Emma Louise Ornsby painted my portrait, thank you Emma, and she's allowed us to use the painting in my Eggsy Pony Redbubble store so

 it's now available on lots of different items, bags, cushions, phone cases, travel mugs, water bottles, cards, stickers and my personal favourite

an Eggsy Pony artboard portrait so you could have my face hanging in your rogues gallery!

Please do pop over and take a look at the Eggsy Pony Redbubble store, we need to make some more sales as Redbubble only pay out when we've achieved £20 in commission and we're only up to £7.55 at the moment! So if you're in the market for any of the above a purchase would be very much appreciated.

Also if you like to shop early for Christmas, my Christmas cards are available, actually if you're sending cards abroad I suppose the last posting date for surface mail will soon be upon us!
Now for those all important thank yous, thank you Graham & Edith, Helen, Joe, Philomena, Cheryl (who is still selling "Moonlight Adventures of Eggsy" cards hereand our anonymous friends for your continued financial support toward Eggsy's care. We couldn't do this without you.

Thanks are also due to all of you who share Eggsy's tweets and blog posts on your own social media platforms, that really does help to let more people know about not just Eggsy but the sad fact that many horses and ponies do get abandoned in the UK. 

About Eggsy:

Eggsy is a rescue pony he was abandoned and left to starve by his owners as a foal. His care is funded by donations.

You can read the story of his abandonment here: About Eggsy Pony

Would you like to help Eggsy? 

Eggsy has a GoFundMe campaign to help raise funds for his care, we'd be really grateful if you'd go take a look, share it far and wide via your social media and of course if you can spare some money please donate.

Help Raise Abandoned Foal Eggsy ~ GoFundMe

Thank you, Eggsy and I really appreciate it x

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