Thursday, 3 February 2022

What's been happening since Eggsy Pony last blogged

 It's been awhile hasn't it?

Sorry for the radio silence here on the blog, but, as you all know only to well, the world turned upside down a few weeks after the last blog post in 2020.

Covid & lockdowns were the theme for many and for us. 

2020 saw the family business shut for much of the year. No government grants as the business premises, including Muddy Bottom, were rented and the grants were paid directly to the landlord. 

Eggsy was lucky to have so many loyal supporters who kept him in feed during those devastating months, you know who you are and we hope you know that we will always be grateful for the help you gave Eggsy.

2020 also saw the death of a human family member, not from Covid but from that terrible disease cancer, this was equally devastating for the family business as he was the main character behind it all, beloved by customers. Fortunately many of those customers supported the rest of the family as we tried to take up the reins and run the business in his stead. For a few months all went well, then further lockdowns closed us again.

2021 The business was closed for 5 months, reopening in May and once again customers supported us and things ticked over. During this time we were finally able to get Eggsy gelded as for once sufficient finances and suitable weather conditions coincided before the dreaded fly season. Things were briefly on the up.

Then the bombshell hit us, the landlord wanted the horses off Muddy Bottom and would not allow us to put them anywhere else on the 8 acres we rented from him along with the business premises. We were given 6 weeks, which included the Christmas and New Year holiday period to get the horses, Hansel the goose & Gingee the cat off the land.  

Have you heard that idea about never being more than 6 handshakes away, 6 degrees of separation, well thank goodness that worked, an old school friend was able to find us space on the livery yard she's been on for 10 years. The downside to that is of course the expense, the cost of keeping Eggsy there is adding an additional £125 a month to the cost of his care in rent alone.

So 2022 is all change for Eggsy Pony, his companions and his human family. 

Eggsy has moved to the new yard, Hansel and Gingee have moved to the human house and the humans have lost the family business. Unfortunately it just wasn't profitable enough to continue paying the same rent without the land. 

2022 sees a new start for the Eggsy Pony family so it seems appropriate to end this sadly neglected blog, "Overcoming Adversity a Pony's Tale" with this post. 

But we're not going away Eggsy will have a new blog "Eggsy Pony and Friends" where we can regale you with his adventures and not just Eggsy's adventures but also those of his friends.

Having discovered that Ko-Fi don't take any money from much needed donations you make to help with Eggsy's care we're opening a Ko-Fi page where you can buy Eggsy a coffee. Of course the money won't be spent on coffee, ponies don't, or shouldn't, drink coffee, it will all go toward the cost of Eggsy's care. 

The exciting thing about Ko-Fi is that soon, if you'd like to, you'll be able to join a, I suppose you'd call it Eggsy Pony Club. It'll be a monthly membership club with exclusive blog posts, essays, behind the scenes stuff, videos, tutorials and things we observe about the natural world throughout the seasons. There will be more about that on the new blog when we're ready to launch. 

About  Eggsy Pony:

 Eggsy Pony was abandoned with locking stifles when he was just a foal, you can read about his abandonment here, his care is funded via donation.

If you'd like to you can help Eggsy in the following ways:

Follow Eggsy Pony and Friends on Ko-Fi  where if you choose you can also buy him a coffee, which isn't really coffee, the coffee money goes towards his feed.

Follow, like and retweet @eggsypony on Twitter

Follow, heart and share eggsypony on Instagram

Make a donation of any amount, it all helps via Eggsy's Paypal :

Take a look at Eggsy Pony's Redbubble store, he gets a small % in commission on any item sold which goes toward his feed.

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